Local population forecasts 2023-2043 Population forecasts offer an approximation of the present and anticipated population. This information is essential for planning service provision that reflects the demographics and needs of the population. The Power BI Dashboard below provides detailed population forecasts for Central Bedfordshire that have been developed locally. No forecast can be expected to be 100% accurate, however, these forecasts...
Additional sources of data, evidence & national tools Below are links to a range of external sources of data and evidence Partners Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire Voluntary Organisations for Children, young people & families General Central Bedfordshire Council: statistics and census information page Central Bedfordshire Council: economic information Health and Social Care Information Centre Local health profiles (link goes to a ‘search results’...
Place Level The term “place” refers to the geographic level below an ICS (Integrated Care System). Placed-based partnerships involve local government playing an important leadership role in recognising our shared priorities and the scope for joint action. The following themes for integration at the place level are: Improve the health & wellbeing for the whole population of Central Bedfordshire Delivering better care for...
Topic-Specific Health Needs Assessments (HNA) Topic-specific Health Needs Assessments (HNA) and Spotlight reports for the health of adults, children and young people. We produce a number of health needs assessments. These are the means by which we assess the current and future health, care and wellbeing needs of the local population. The following Needs Assessments have been completed: 2024 – Oral Health Needs...
Director of Public Health Reports 2022 – Taking Local Action to Address Excess Weight in Central Bedfordshire Focuses on the important roles that partner organisations and businesses in Central Bedfordshire play in shaping our environment and keeping our population healthy. If we are serious about working preventatively to improve health in Central Bedfordshire, there is more we can do together to stop...
Census 2021 The ONS has published the next phase of Census 2021 outputs for England and Wales (see the high level summary below). As with previous releases interactive Census Maps are available on the ONS website to visualise and explore Census 2021 data for different topics down to a local authority and neighbourhood level. The following high level summary on changes...
Learning Disabilities Data Dashboard This Dashboard provides fast access to data analysis of the factors identified as important indicators for, or measures of the health and well-being of people with Learning Disabilities aged 19 and over living in Central Bedfordshire. It also includes projections of the prevalence of Learning Disabilities among the adult population from POPPI and PANSI. The Dashboard features...
Primary Care Networks (PCNs) Many people are living with long term conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, or suffer with mental health issues and may need to access their local health services more often. To meet these needs, practices have begun working together and with community, mental health, social care, pharmacy, hospital and voluntary services in their local areas in...
The background The purpose of the Ageing Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) section is to support the work of the Council’s Health and Wellbeing Board by summarising key local needs, and services, and providing a series of evidence-based priorities to improve the health of the population of older adults living across Central Bedfordshire (65 years and older). It acts as a...
Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) Pharmaceutical Needs Assessments (PNA) are key documents for NHS England as they inform its decisions on applications to open new pharmacies and dispensing appliance contractor premises. PNAs inform commissioning of enhanced services from pharmacies by NHS England. Enhanced services are services such as: anti-coagulation monitoring provision of advice and support to residents and staff in care homes in connection with...