Additional Resources
Additional sources of data, evidence & national tools
Below are links to a range of external sources of data and evidence
- Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board
- Healthwatch Central Bedfordshire
- Voluntary Organisations for Children, young people & families
- Central Bedfordshire Council: statistics and census information page
- Central Bedfordshire Council: economic information
- Health and Social Care Information Centre
- Local health profiles (link goes to a ‘search results’ page that includes the CBC profile)
- Health Inequalities Dashboard: Presents measures of inequality for 19 indicators, the majority drawn from the Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF). [regions, and upper tier local authorities]
- Segment Tool: This tool provides information on the causes of death and age groups that are driving inequalities in life expectancy at local area level. Targeting the causes of death which contribute most to the life expectancy gap should have the biggest impact on reducing inequalities.
- Local Health: Quality assured small area health-related data visualised in maps, charts, area profiles, and reports.
- Spotlight: is a data dissemination platform that collates and presents key statistics related to the public health outcomes of Inclusion health groups across the following themes: access to and utilisation of health care; preventative care; health outcomes; and wider determinants of health.
- Excess Mortality: Looks at the number of deaths from 21 March 2020 above the number expected had the pandemic not occurred, based on mortality rates in earlier years.
- Inequality slide packs [Knowledgehub registration needed to access]: This slide set also includes a number of Local Health indicators where there is a particularly strong statistical linear relationship with deprivation as measured by the Index of Multiple Deprivation 2019 (IMD 2019) at ward level
- Local Inequality Explorer Tool 2023 [Will need to register]: The tool is to provide a resource to support decision making by demonstrating some local, within-area inequalities.
- COVID-19 Health Inequalities Monitoring for England tool (CHIME): brings together data relating to the impacts of COVID-19, for factors such as mortality rates, hospital admissions, confirmed cases, vaccinations and life expectancy. It presents inequality breakdowns, including by age, sex, ethnic group, level of deprivation, population density and region.
Commissioning tools
The following resources can help with evidence-based, cost-effective commissioning
- Care spend estimating tool: Estimates how a local care economy spends its money by age group, patient group and care settings
- Fingertips: is a large public health data collection. Data is organised into themed profiles
- Health Index: Provides a single value for health that can show how health changes over time by Local Authority
- Local Health: Small area health related data tool, maps, charts, area profiles and reports
- Department for Education (DfE)
- National Audit Office: A guide to successful commissioning
- Governments Sufficiency Strategy guidance
- Central Bedfordshire Council procurement guidance
- Local Government Association guidance on Commissioning in a local authority
- Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Integrated Care Board
Data website & observatories
- Nomis: UK labour market statistics from the office of National Statistics (ONS).
- Network of Public Health Observatories: Formerly the Association of Public Health Observatories. Links to a range of data items
- POPPI: Projecting Older People Population information
- PANSI: projecting Adult Needs and Service Information
Census 2021
- Nomis: The full datasets from the latest census
- ONS How life has changed: Data and analysis from Census 2021 on how your areas has changed in 10 years using visualisations
- ONS Population change: Visualisations on how the population has changed by Local Authority
- Build a custom area profile: Profiles can be built using a range of topics
- LGInform Census profile: report provides an overview of the Census 2011 results
- Census 2021 maps: use maps to find out what peoples lives were like across the LA in 2021
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- COVID19: Official Coronavirus (COVID-19) disease situation dashboard with latest data in the UK
- Coronavirus (COVID-19): Latest data and analysis on COVID-19.
Children & Young People
- Central Bedfordshire Safeguarding Children Board
- Schools Performance: Central Bedfordshire Local Authority Performance
- Ofsted
- SEN and disability pages on the Council website
- Vaccination: Childhood Vaccination coverage statistics 2021-22
- Cervical Screening: Cervical Screening Programme – Coverage Statistics 2021-22
Health and Housing
- HACT Creating a blueprint for a new way of working (Nov ’21). Joint publication developed with CIH the ‘How To’ guide for health and housing
- Tackling Health Inequalities (May ’23). HACT White Paper Report – Creating a Blueprint for a New Way of Working
- Building Blocks for Life (Jan ’24). The joint publication with CIH around working in partnership to tackle inequalities